ACE Application School Training Video

Where do I go to apply for an ACE Scholarship?

An ACE Scholarship is completed on a site called FACTS. While your school may also use FACTS for Grant & Aid, the ACE application is a separate application from a school application. The links for an ACE application are specific by market. Please select your state below to be routed to the appropriate application.  










New Mexico









How to determine if current awarded students have completed a renewal application?

In an effort for schools to clearly determine whether a current awarded student has completed a renewal application, ACE has created a report in FACTS. This report must be accessed in the current 2024-2025 school year, under Grant & Aid> Applications> Expected Applications for 25-26. Please ensure you are selecting 2024-2025 school year in the drop down in the top right-hand corner.


Important notes:

  • Students awarded in the 2024-2025 school year will have an amount in the Current Awards column. You may wish to filter the report for current awarded students by selecting the filter icon in the current awards column and selecting is not empty.
  • If a student has completed an application for 2025-2026 school year, there will be a yes in the has applied to new term column. If there is a no, there is not an application for the upcoming school year.
  • We have included the applicants' email and phone number in the report as schools are expected to contact families with missing applications.
  • This report only shows whether an application has been submitted for a returning student, not whether or not the application is complete. To determine the status of the application, you would refer to the 2025-2026 ACE Scholarships Application Status report in FACTS. To view this report, you must select the 2025-2026 school year in the drop down in top right-hand corner.

Does ACE partner with hybrid schools?

In addition to traditional full-time in-person schools, ACE partners with schools who follow the University Model. This means that the student must attend in-person classes at the school for a minimum of 2 days a week for the entire school day. 


Please be aware that if the tuition is discounted for the student, their award may change as ACE Scholarships will provide our standard award or no more than 50% of a school’s award, whichever is less.

Unclear about the difference between ACE and FACTS? Here’s a helpful guide:


A close-up of a logo

Description automatically generated

Nonprofit organization with a mission to provide children of lower-income families with scholarships to private schools.

  • Can answer questions about applying, qualifications, awards and award amounts, funds disbursement, timelines, partner school lists, etc.
  • Utilizes FACTS for scholarship applications 



FACTS provides tools and solutions to private K-12 schools that elevate the education experience for administrators, teachers, and families. It is the platform ACE uses to process all applications.

  • Can answer questions about uploading documents, incomplete applications, school FACTS applications vs ACE FACTS applications, etc.


Shape(856) 746-6521 is a dedicated support line and routes to either ACE or FACTS depending upon the prompt selected. Please call! Both are here to help. 

How do I view applications for ACE?

You can view your school’s ACE applicants by logging into your school’s FACTS account and then going to Grant & Aid > Applications. There you should find a report titled “2025-2026 ACE Scholarships Application Status”. You can use that report to view ACE applications from families connected to your school.

Applications need to be in a VER or DOC status at 11:59pm on April 15 for consideration in awarding. Those in SBM status will not be considered as they are incomplete.

Below is a table with a description of each section to help you read the report:


Column Description
Student ID The Student ID is also a hyperlink and when selected takes you to view the Application Summary, where more detailed information for the applicant is listed.
Student Name The student’s name listed on the application.
Grade Indicates the grade level the student will be enrolled in the upcoming school year. This is provided by the applicant.
App Status

Indicates the current application status.

  • VER = Verified (the application is 100% completed and documents are uploaded)
  • SBM = Submitted (they have started the application. Further action is needed from the applicant prior to FACTS review.)
  • DOC = Documents in Process (they have uploaded something, and those documents are currently being reviewed by FACTS. Once reviewed, the application will either move to VER if complete, or SBM with a notification sent to the applicant that further action is needed.)
  • DNF = Do Not File (the applicant specified that they do not file US taxes for 2024-> Applications with DNF status do not provide official tax documents and should be reviewed prior to ensure the applicant reported any nontaxable income, and then be considered complete. Applicants with DNF status will never move to VER status as FACTS does not have the tax documents needed to verify the application.
Submit Date The date the application was submitted/completed.
Tax Return Year The year of the tax return submitted or the status of the tax return.
  • DNR = Did not receive a tax return
  • INC = Incomplete tax return
  • DNF = Applicant does not file a tax return
  • Waived = Both the current year and prior year tax return requirements were waived by the institution/organization. 

What do schools need to do once applications open?

See video here on FACTS Training for ACE Scholarships Organizations.

Your families have begun applying for ACE Scholarships on FACTS. What do you do now? 

If families have a question about their FACTS account, please have them call FACTS customer support at 856.746.6521.

Your first step is to keep an eye on those who have applied and make sure they are getting their applications completed and documents uploaded before April 15th. 

  • Verified means the application is 100% completed and documents are uploaded. 
  • Submitted means they have only started and submitted the application.  
  • Documents in Process means they have uploaded something, and those documents are currently being reviewed by FACTS.  

ACE Scholarships will begin reviewing applications after the application window closes on April 15th at 11:59 PM.  

We will notify schools after we have finished making our review and awards.  

  • We will send award notifications to families over the summer before the school year begins. 


School User Tips for Helping Families apply for ACE Scholarship


School User Tips for Helping Families apply for ACE Scholarship:

  • Applicants will directly apply to ACE via the programs link on FACTS. This link will be emailed to returning families who were awarded in the 24-25 school year OR available on the ACE Scholarship website (
  • The application will be available February 3, 2025 at 8:00am
  • The deadline for families to apply is April 15, 2025 (Tax Day!) but it is urged that families submit their application as soon as possible to ensure that it is complete and correct prior to the deadline 

*Returning awarded families do not have to attach documents to requalify their income, except for returning students in Louisiana and returning tax-credit awarded students in Arkansas.

  • Families who applied in the previous year MUST use the same username and password to sign-in
  • If an applicant needs help uploading their tax return or supporting documents please have them call FACTS at 856-746-6521
  • Applicants are encouraged to enter any additional information they believe would be important to know and was not captured elsewhere on the application in the last question.
  • Documents must be a clear image of the full document and saved as a PDF or JPEG prior to uploading. A bright background and good lighting will help ensure the image is legible. (Iphone User tip- Turn off Live photo when taking pictures of the image)
  • You can view the applicants who have applied for an ACE Scholarship to your school via a shared report in FACTS by signing into your School User account in FACTS ( Next, click Log In Here in the top right hand corner and select Tuition Management/Grant and Aid under the ‘For Schools’ box. Once signed in, click Grant and Aid>Applications. The report will be located in the top left hand corner scroll box under the header titled Custom Shared Reports. Double check that you are in the 25-26 school year!
  • You can view the applicants who have applied for an ACE Scholarship to your school via a shared report in FACTS by signing into your School User account in FACTS ( Next, click Log In Here in the top right hand corner and select Tuition Management/Grant and Aid under the ‘For Schools’ box. Once signed in, click Grant and Aid>Applications. The report will be located in the top left hand corner scroll box under the header titled Custom Shared Reports. Double check that you are in the 25-26 school year!


    For any questions please reach out to Aly Sylvester at 846-746-6521 or email





For any questions please reach out to Aly Sylvester at 846-746-6521 or email

A family applied to ACE but I’m not seeing their application listed under the applications at my school?

If you have a family that you believe applied to ACE but are unable to see their application, there may be multiple reasons why this is happening:

  • They haven’t completed the application for ACE. Please have the family double check that they applied for ACE as well. If they need assistance, they can contact FACTS at 856-746-6521.
  • If you’re certain they applied, it’s most likely that they listed another school as their preferred school. In that case, they will be listed under the applications for that school. This is something that they family themselves can check and/or change.
  • If you are facing issues with accessing your school’s FACTS account please contact FACTS by calling 856-746-6521 (press 2 for schools and then 1 for FACTS). 

When should families apply?

The ACE Scholarship application for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Monday, February 3rd and close on Tuesday, April 15th at 11:59 p.m. The link for the application will be posted on our website at Please select your state in the dropdown, and you will be redirected to the webpage with your state specific eligibility requirements as well as link to the application.